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compression member 抗壓構件。

compression pump

The working stress of the rc compression member in existing structures can be calculated through measuring strain change before and after drilling the hole , determining the compressive strength and elastic modulus of concrete through the drilled sample and combining the calculating results of the finite element method 該方法通過測試鉆孔前后孔邊應變的變化,利用鉆取的芯樣推定混凝土的抗壓強度和彈性模量,再結合有限元計算分析,得到已建結構中鋼筋混凝土受壓構件的工作應力。

In the current criteria , the principal parameters are given from linear elasticity analysis . the effects of cumulation in elasto - plastic working stage is hardly analysis . the stiffness calculation of current eccentric compression member is not specialy stipulated , with the result that the calculation of internal forces are crude 指出《規范》公式中的主要參數均基于線性(彈性工作階段)分析,對結構實際工作階段(包括彈塑性、塑性工作階段)由于損傷累積而引起結構性能的變化涉及較少,對常見的偏壓構件的剛度計算也未作專門規定,這使得以往內力計算較為粗糙。

It is an important factor that influences the whole carrying capacity of member in technical code of cold - formed thin - wall steel structures gb50018 - 2002 , the calculation of stability carrying capacity of axially loaded compression members does not consider the influence of the residual stress 它是影響構件整體穩定承載力的重要因素。我國冷彎薄壁型鋼結構技術規范gb50018 ? 2002在計算軸心受壓構件的穩定承載力時,沒有直接考慮殘余應力的影響。

The tested results show that the actual release strains at the edges of the hole agreed well with those of computed by the finite element method , so the boring - electrical test method can be used to test working stress of practical rc compression member 試驗結果表明,孔邊實測的釋放應變的數值與有限元計算的結果吻合良好,工作應力推定結果與試驗結果基本一致,說明該方法可用于實際鋼筋混凝土受壓構件的工作應力測試。

By using of the large finite element software ansys , the whole stability of axially loaded compression members of cold - formed thin - walled steel sections in the effect of residual stress is studied in the paper 本文通過應用現有人型有限元軟件ansys來著重研究冷彎薄壁型鋼軸心受壓構件在殘余應力影響下的整體穩定性。

Its test specimens are 8 r . c hollow shear wall compression members which have different ratio of length to effective depth of section , 3 bend - shear members and 4 different section shear walls 本文試驗的對象為8個不同長細比的軸心受壓構件、 3個彎剪構件和4個整體空心剪力墻板。

After having analyzed the common test methods of working stress briefly , the boring - electrical test method is proposed to test the working stress of rc compression member 對工程中常用工作應力測試方法進行了簡要分析,提出利用鉆孔電測法測試鋼筋混凝土受壓構件的工作應力。

Precision calculating method of normal bearing capacity of reinforced concrete eccentric compression member with circular section 鋼筋混凝土受彎構件正截面承載力簡便計算法

A simplified calculation of symmetrical reinforcement of compression member in high - strength concrete rectangular section 高強混凝土矩形截面受壓構件對稱配筋簡化計算

Iterative method for calculating carrying capacity of normal section of reinforced concrete eccentric compression members 混凝土構件斜截面承載力計算方法的改進

Direct calculation of symmetric reinforcement for rectangular cross sectional little eccentric compression member 矩形截面小偏心受壓構件對稱配筋的直接計算

Calculation of eccentric compression member with ring section in non - uniform reinforcement 鋼筋混凝土小偏心受壓構件對稱配筋截面設計

Section design of symmetric reinforcement for compression members with small eccentricity 對稱配筋小偏心受壓構件的截面設計

Study on symmetric and asymmetric reinforcement problems of compression member 受壓構件的對稱與非對稱配筋分析

Calculating area of compression member 受壓構件計算面積67

Compression member with small eccentricity 小偏心受壓構件32

Compression member with large eccentricity 大偏心受壓構件32

Influence coefficient for load bearing capacity of compression member 受壓構件承載能力影響系數46

Synergetic damage mechanics of concrete compression members 混凝土受壓構件的協同損傷機理